Tuesday, March 28, 2017

proudly presents
Lucy Calkins!!
A Fast-Paced Intensive Overview of the Writing Workshop

Lucy Calkins, Founding Director of the TCRWP, is the author or co-author of two score of books including the newly released Units of Study for Teaching Reading (Grades K-5), Units of Study in Opinion, Information, and Narrative Writing (Grades K-5), Units of Study in Argument, Information, and Narrative Writing (Grades 6-8), written with the TCRWP community, and Pathways to the Common Core, one of the top ten New York Times best-selling educational books of 2013. Lucy is the Richard Robinson Professor of Children's Literature at Teachers College, Columbia University where she co-directs the Literacy Specialist Program.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

8:15am - 12:45pm

MN Masonic Heritage Center
11411 Masonic Home Drive
Bloomington, MN 55437

$50 - MRA Member
$75 - NEW Member (includes event
plus one-year MRA membership)
$85 - NON-Member

Presentation Focus: Gr 2-6. Open to ALL
Levels of Educators & Administrators

7:30-8:15 Sign-in, Breakfast, Book Sales, Mingling, Conversations with Lucy

8:15-8:30 Opening Welcome

8:30-12:30 Lucy Presents - Writing Workshop

12:30-12:45  Door Prizes, CEUs, Book Sales

Space is limited!  Register now!

**Limited parking available. Please carpool if possible.